Welcome to the EARTH + LIGHT SESSIONS on demand content hub, exclusive for you beautiful sessions supporters! I am so grateful that you have joined us.

This connected monthly membership has been created specifically to support you in walking your path to wholeness. My mission is to create a movement of Conscious Connected souls, who are choosing purpose, joy, fulfilment and will create a big ripple effect of connected, compassionate and loving energy that generously benefits others people and our planet. 

Supporter bonuses:

As part of your EARTH + LIGHT SESSIONS supporter membership, you have access to our full on demand content library of:

  • All workshop replays - uploaded into the recent sessions replays section within 72 hours

  • Workshop replays from my 2022 JOY RE:VISION membership (which evolved into this) - lots of gold in those workshops including nature connection, understanding your values, intention setting, creating abundance mindset, inner critic work and more.


  • RE:CHARGE RITUALS guided meditations, ritual workbooks and other exercises


Upcoming workshop dates (always on a Monday):

  • 27th February, 7-8pm UK time: EARTH + LIGHT SESSIONS - We rise together: the true abundance mindset

  • 13th March, 7-8pm UK time: IGNITE YOUR INNER LIGHT workshop - topic TBC (supporter exclusive)

  • 27th March, 7-8pm UK time: EARTH + LIGHT SESSIONS - topic TBC

Make sure you have these dates in your diary and the time carved out as these sessions are a powerful investment into YOU. Then just find somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed and switch your phone and emails off.

The Zoom link for all sessions will be emailed to you before.


If you wish to join us on WhatsApp, where we are able to connect between sessions, then please email me at and I will share the link with you.

If you need any support please get in touch:

Contact hours are Monday - Thursday from 10-4pm UK time. 

I will do my best to get back to you within 1-2 working days. 

JOY RE:VISION Community Member Agreement

My intention is to create a safe and confidential space for our EARTH + LIGHT SESSIONS community to be able to share openly and support each other deeply. All members will need to agree to the following community guidelines in advance: 

We agree to share from our heart with honesty, vulnerability and authenticity.

We agree to actively listen to the stories of others -with open awareness, compassion and non judgement. 

We agree to appreciate the variety of perspectives and lived experiences within the community.

We agree to take total responsibility for our own mental health, feelings and reactions to anything said or shared.

We agree to commit wholeheartedly to this work by showing up with presence and holding space for others.

We agree to total confidentiality. Anything shared by other members within the community will not be shared outside the community. 

Membership T&C’s